Hair Club News

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia Ireland

Alopecia is a disorder triggered by a persons autoimmune system that causes either a woman or a mans hair to come out. 

The hair comes out in patches and clumps in different sizes anywhere around the head. Depending on which type of Alopecia a person has will depend the the severity of the hair loss. Some people lose their hair only in a few spots. On occasion the hair grows back but can falls out again.

There are a range of different types of this condition which include,

- Alopecia areata universalis essentially you loss hair over entire body which includes eyebrows.

- Alopecia areata totalis generally means hair loss just on your crown and head area

- Diffuse alopecia areata is less extreme as most people experience thinning hair other than bald patches.

- Ophiasis alopecia areata is hair loss in a circular band shape on the sides and back of the head.
Alopecia Symptoms
- Bald patches can may get bigger and grow together into a bald spot

- The Hair can grow back where once was patches and then fall out in another area

- Hair loss is sudden

- During winter months the hair loss gets worse in cold weather.

- Nails on the fingers and toes can become brittle and red in colour.

-Small bald patches on your scalp or other parts of your body.

At the Hair Club in Dublin we have a range of frontal hair pieces and wigs that are perfect to give clients coverage with a full head of natural hair. 

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Hair Club Reviews

The Hair Club owners are so proud of our team and the work they carry out with our clients.  Many of our clients have underlying medical conditions and require a personal professional service. We can not express how much it means to us when a client takes the time out to talk about their experience with us.  
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Human Hair Wigs Ireland

We have a great selection of human hair wigs from the Mayfair collection that are exclusively stocked at The Hair Club. You can choose from a variety of different styles and colours from short Bob wigs to Long. The hair is silky and the caps are mostly hand made. Call us today on 01-2608874. 

In this video is the Mayfair Wigs Collection, however we also stock Ellen Willie, Raquel Welch and Raphael Perrier Paris at our hair shop in Donnybrook. You  can call us on 01-2608874

Please note there are no refunds or exchanges on wigs or hair pieces after for in store purchases for hygiene reasons. Refunds are rarely requested as your consultations are very thorough.

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